New brewery complex

Modern meets tradition

Dettaglio del progetto

Tipo di oggetto

New brewery complex


S 9000


GEALAN-acrylcolor® DB 703


Louny / Czechia

Anno di costruzione



Ing. Arch. Jaromír Veselák / Pilsen, Czechia


Vorliček plast s.r.o., / Zlonice, Czechia

A successful synthesis of historicism and modern architecture forms the new brewery complex with adjoining beer shop. The cubic and very clearly structured new build in terms of form is an addition to other properties on the former firing range for the Czech army. The resulting lightness benefits from the unique location with a view of the bordering Central Bohemian Uplands. The large windows contribute a large part of the overall impression of the complex, on the outside they are painted in the popular colour DB 703 and on the inside they are slate grey. With this building, the tradition of beer brewing is going back to its roots in a region with a substantial hop production.

Used products and innovations from GEALAN

S 9000

L’S 9000 è un sistema per porte, finestre e porte alzanti scorrevoli versatile e all’avanguardia. Può essere acquistato con due o tre guarnizioni.
Per saperne di più S 9000

Innovations GEALAN-acrylcolor®

La pregiata superficie in GEALAN-acrylcolor® per profili di finestre e porte in PVC dà vita ad infissi con caratteristiche impareggiabili.
Per saperne di più Innovations GEALAN-acrylcolor®

Further references

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