New brewery complex
S 9000
GEALAN-acrylcolor® DB 703
Louny / Czechia
Ing. Arch. Jaromír Veselák / Pilsen, Czechia
Vorliček plast s.r.o., / Zlonice, Czechia
A successful synthesis of historicism and modern architecture forms the new brewery complex with adjoining beer shop. The cubic and very clearly structured new build in terms of form is an addition to other properties on the former firing range for the Czech army. The resulting lightness benefits from the unique location with a view of the bordering Central Bohemian Uplands. The large windows contribute a large part of the overall impression of the complex, on the outside they are painted in the popular colour DB 703 and on the inside they are slate grey. With this building, the tradition of beer brewing is going back to its roots in a region with a substantial hop production.
Nel 2012 l'Istituto Fraunhofer per l'energia eolica e la tecnica dei sistemi di energia ha inaugurato a Bremerhaven un centro di ricerca dedicato ai test sulle pale dei rotori. Nell'edificio la parte dedicata agli uffici si trova ai piani superiori, ha una pianta a forma d'ala e offre una vista magnifica sul Mare del Nord.
Gli appartamenti di proprietà di nuova costruzione, situati lungo il canale Uhlenhorster, hanno un valore abitativo incomparabile, grazie a soluzioni planimetriche ottimali, alla splendida posizione e agli ampi spazi esterni, nonché alle finestre con traversini a tutta altezza e agli alti soffitti.
In Wiesbaden on Westerwaldstrasse, during the energetic renovation of the apartment building which was built in 1926 in massive construction, the building’s layout was adjusted to meet modern requirements and the total living space was increased. Through the consistent use of energy-related measures, the energy consumption can be reduced considerably. To do this, the issues of building conservation had to be taken into account: narrow sight lines for the wing and mullion, no visible weep holes, a quality surface in crème-white tone RAL 9001 and grey seals. These recommendations could be best fulfilled with the established system GEALAN S 7000 IQ.
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